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You searched for: antibody - classic×
Cat. No.ProductFormatPrice
C15200223-100 CRISPR/Cas9 C-terminal monoclonal antibody
Alternative name: Csn1Monoclonal antibody raised in mouse against the C-terminus of Cas9 nuclease (CRISPR-associated protein 9)
100 μg $580.00
C15310258-100 CRISPR/Cas9 polyclonal antibody
Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against the Cas9 nuclease (CRISPR-associated protein 9) using a recombinant protein.  Diagenode’s CRISPR...
100 μl $580.00
C15200229-100 CRISPR/Cas9 monoclonal antibody
Monoclonal antibody raised in mouse against the N-terminus of the Cas9 nuclease (CRISPR-associated protein 9) using a recombinant protein. 
100 μg $580.00
C15200216-100 CRISPR/Cas9 monoclonal antibody 4G10
Alternative name: Csn1Monoclonal antibody raised in mouse against the N-terminus of the Cas9 nuclease (CRISPR-associated protein 9) using a recombi...
100 μg $580.00
C15410367 PPARg polyclonal antibody
Other names: PPAR-gamma, NR1C3 Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against human HDAC3 (Histone deacetylase 3), using two KLH-conjugated synthetic peptide...
50 µg $380.00
G02060000 ATAC-seq 受託サービス (Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin)
ATAC-seq(Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing)は、ゲノムワイドなクロマチンアクセシビリティの査定を可能にします。 この技術は、トランスポゼースを利用してオープンクロマチンを切断すると同時に、増幅及び配列決定のアダプター...
C01010181 Auto iDeal ChIP-qPCR kit
Diagenode’s Auto iDeal ChIP-qPCR Kit is a highly optimized automated solution for ChIP-qPCR assays. The kit is compatible for use on the IP-Star Automa...
24 rxns $560.00
C01010171 Auto iDeal ChIP-seq kit for Histones
Don’t risk wasting your precious sequencing samples. Diagenode’s validated iDeal ChIP-seq kit has everything you need for a successful ...
100 rxns $2,340.00
C01010172 Auto iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
Diagenode’s iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors is a highly specialized solution for robust Transcription Factor ChIP-seq results. U...
100 rxns $2,340.00
C01020013 Chromatin EasyShear Kit - Low SDS
Old name of the kit: Chromatin shearing optimization kit – Low SDS (iDeal Kit for TFs) A high quality chromatin preparation is very complex and requir...
4 chrom. prep./ 24 rxns $345.00
C05030060 D-Plex 24 DNBSEQ Barcodes - Set A
D-Plex DNBSEQ Barcodes - Set A includes primers with 24 barcodes to enable multiplexing with the D-Plex Small RNA DNBSEQTM Kit. ...
24 rxns $340.00
C05030061 D-Plex 24 DNBSEQ Barcodes - Set B
D-Plex DNBSEQバーコード-セットBには、D-Plex Small RNADNBSEQTMキットとのマルチプレックスを可能にする24個のバーコードを備えたプライマーが含まれています。 これらは、MGIシーケンサーのD-Plexテクノロジー専用に設計および検証されています。 セットAとセットBは...
24 rxns $340.00
C05030033 D-Plex mRNA-seq Kit for Illumina
(Coming soon)D-Plex mRNA-seq Library Preparation Kit is a tool designed for the study of the whole coding transcriptome. The kit is using the ...
24 rxns $1,555.00
C05030010 D-Plex 24 Single Indexes for Illumina - Set #A
D-Plex Single Indexes (イルミナ専用)は、必ずD-Plex Small RNA-seq Kitと併用してください。 D-Plexの2種類AとB(下記)は、共にトータルまたはスモールRNAからのスモールRNA-seqライブラリーの調製において広範囲で検証済みです:  D-P...
24 rxns $410.00
C05030011 D-Plex 24 Single Indexes for Illumina - Set #B
D-Plex Single Indexes (イルミナ専用)は、必ずD-Plex Small RNA-seq Kitと併用してください。 D-Plexの2種類AとB(下記)は、共にトータルまたはスモールRNAからのスモールRNA-seqライブラリーの調製において広範囲で検証済みです:  D-P...
24 rxns $410.00
C05030051 D-Plex Small RNA DNBSEQ™ Kit
D-Plex Small RNA DNBSEQ™ Kit is a tool designed for the study of the small non-coding transcriptome. The kit is using the D-Plex technology to generate...
24 rxns $1,475.00
C05030001 D-Plex Small RNA-seq Library Prep Kit x24
Diagenodeの最新のRNA-seqイノベーションD-Plexは、RNAライブラリー調製の際にライゲーション不要な方法を提供するtemplate-switching技術に基づいています。多様なsmall RNA種(miRNA、piRNA、tRNA、 siRNA)に対応し、バイアスを最小化。 このソリューシ...
24 rxns $1,475.00
C05030031 D-Plex Total RNA-seq Kit for Illumina
(Coming soon)D-Plex Total RNA-seq Library Preparation kit is a tool designed for the study of the whole coding and non-coding transcriptome. The ki...
24 rxns $1,475.00
C05030021 D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes for Illumina - Set A
D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes Module - Set A includes PCR primers with 24 unique dual barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) for library multiplexin...
24 rxns $360.00
C05030022 D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes for Illumina - Set B
(Comming soon)D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes Module - Set B includes PCR primers with 24 unique dual barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) for libra...
24 rxns $360.00
C05030023 D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes for Illumina - Set C
D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes Module - Set A includes primer pairs with 24 unique dual barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) for library multiplexi...
24 rxns $360.00
C05030024 D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes for Illumina - Set D
D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes Module - Set A includes primer pairs with 24 unique dual barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) for library multiplexi...
24 rxns $360.00
C28020001-1 EVCleaner
EVCleaner size exclusion columns ensure efficent separation of extracellular vesicules from unwanted size components in sample.
1 pc
C01010190 iDeal ChIP-FFPE Kit
iDeal ChIP-FFPEキットは、FFPEサンプルから採取したクロマチンに関連するタンパク質の研究に適したChIPプロトコールを提供し、高品質のDNA収量を実現します。 プロトコールは従来の複雑で面倒な作業が改善され、シンプルです。無毒性脱パラフィン化と最適化されているFFPEサンプルは安全で信頼性の高い結...
24 IP $610.00
C01010180 iDeal ChIP-qPCR kit
DiagenodeのiDealChIP-qPCR kitは、優れた特異性と感度で高い収量を可能にするChIP-qPCR アッセイ用に最適化されたソリューションです。高度に検証されたChIPグレード抗体と一緒に使用することで、優れた再現性のある結果を提供します。
24 rxns $560.00
C01010059 iDeal ChIP-seq kit for Histones
Don’t risk wasting your precious sequencing samples. Diagenode’s validated iDeal ChIP-seq kit has everything you need for a successful ...
17 chrom. prep./100 IPs $2,340.00
C01010170 iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
Diagenode’s iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors is a highly specialized solution for robust Transcription Factor ChIP-seq results. U...
17 chrom. prep./100 IPs $2,340.00
C01070012-30 Tagmentase (Tn5 transposase) – loaded EARLY ACCESS
Diagenode Tagmentase – loaded is a hyperactive Tn5 transposase preloaded with Illumina-compatible sequencing adapters. Its ability to cut DNA and inser...
30 μl $330.00
G02040000 WGBS (Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing) and EM-seq (Enzymatic Methylation)受託サービス
Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing(WGBS)は、DNAメチル化プロファイリングの中でも最も包括的な次世代シーケンシングであり、ゲノム全体で5-mCの単一塩基分解能を可能にします。 同じ場所での変換されていないシトシンと変換されたシトシンの割合を比較することにより、メチル化レベル...
G02010000 ChIP-seq/ChIP-qPCR プロファイリングサービス
ChIP-seqをもっと身近に:豊富なフルサービス 経験と実績:IHEC-BLUEPRINT Epigenome Consortiaの公式パートナーであり、ChIP-seqにおける10年の実績と経験 カスタマイズ可能なサポートプラン 専門チームによるプロジェクト調整 ...
G02120000 mRNA-seq Service
mRNA-seq is the method of choice to efficiently detect and precisely quantify coding RNAs present in a biological sample under specific circumstances. Accura...
G02130000 Small RNA-seq Services
Small RNA-seq is the method of choice to investigate the regulatory network of small non-coding RNAs (<200 nt length), including but not limited to miRNA ...
G02030000 RNA-seq 受託サービス
RNAシーケンシングは次世代シーケンシング(NGS)を利用して、トランスクリプトームにわたる遺伝子発現プロファイリングのためにRNAの存在と量を明らかにします。 Diagenodeは、液体生検、FFPE、エキソソーム、血清、または血漿からのサンプルを含む、分解されたまたは低量インプットに最適なRNA-seqライブ...
C01010153 Auto Universal Plant ChIP-seq kit
The Auto Universal Plant ChIP-seq kit offers the convenience of extracting plant chromatin from a wide variety of plants including  Arabidopsis, ma...
24 rxns $575.00
C01019027 ChIP Cross-link Gold
架橋(クロスリンキング)は、一般的には可逆的DNA-タンパク質結合を形成するホルムアルデヒドを用いて行われます。 しかし、通常のホルムアルデヒドはDNAに直接結合していないタンパク質を架橋するには有効ではありません。 例えば、誘導性転写因子または補因子は、タンパク質 - タンパク質相互作用を介してDNAと相互作用...
600 µl $160.00
C02010031 hMeDIP kit x16 (monoclonal mouse antibody)
このキットは、5-ヒドロキシメチルシトシン(5-hmC)(20µl, 50µl, 100µl)に対する最初で唯一のモノクローナル抗体を用いたDNA免疫沈降実験専用に設計されています。キットには、免疫沈降の効率を評価するコントロール配列(5-hmC、5-mCお...
16 rxns $690.00
C17011004-50 Human ChIP-seq grade c-fos promoter primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region containing the human c-fos promoter. The primers are thoroughly tested and optimized for routine SYB...
50 µl $35.00
C17011004-500 Human ChIP-seq grade c-fos promoter primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region containing the human c-fos promoter. The primers are thoroughly tested and optimized for routine SYB...
500 µl $100.00
C17011048-50 Human ChIP-seq grade b-actin promoter primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region containing the human beta actin (ACTB) promoter. The primers are thoroughly tested and optimized for...
50 µl $35.00
C17011048-500 Human ChIP-seq grade b-actin promoter primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region containing the human beta actin (ACTB) promoter. The primers are thoroughly tested and optimized for...
500 µl $100.00
C17011047-50 Human ChIP-seq grade GAPDH TSS primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region containing the human glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) promoter. The primers are thor...
50 µl $35.00
C17011047-500 Human ChIP-seq grade GAPDH TSS primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region containing the human glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) promoter. The primers are thor...
500 µl $100.00
C17011049-50 Human ChIP-seq grade H19 imprinting control region primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region from the H19 imprinting control region. The primers are thoroughly tested and optimized for routine ...
50 µl $35.00
C17011049-500 Human ChIP-seq grade H19 imprinting control region primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region from the H19 imprinting control region. The primers are thoroughly tested and optimized for routine ...
500 µl $100.00
C17011006-50 Human ChIP-seq grade Myoglobin Exon 2 primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region from exon 2 of the human myoglobin gene. These Primers are thoroughly tested and optimized for routi...
50 µl $35.00
C17011006-500 Human ChIP-seq grade Myoglobin Exon 2 promoter primer pair
This primer pair specifically amplifies a genomic region from exon 2 of the human myoglobin gene. These Primers are thoroughly tested and optimized for routi...
500 µl $100.00
C01010051 iDeal ChIP-seq kit for Histones
もう貴重なシーケンシングサンプルを無駄にする必要はありません。 Diagenodeの検証済みiDeal ChIP-seq kitは必要なものすべてを備えています。iDeal ChIP-seq kitは、業界で唯一GAIIx(Illumina®)およびPGM™(Ion Torrent&trade...
4 chrom. prep./24 IPs $1,130.00
C01010055 iDeal ChIP-seq kit for Transcription Factors
DiagenodeのiDeal ChIP-seq for Transcription Factorsキットは、安定した転写因子ChIP-seqの結果を実現するために、特殊化されたソリューションです。 競合する他社のソリューションとは異なり、本キットは高度に最適化されたプロトコルを使用しており、その品質は多数の転写...
4 chrom. prep./24 IPs $1,130.00
C02030032 Premium Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) kit
Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS)は単一ヌクレオチドレベルで、全ゲノムバイサルファイトシーケンシングに関連するDNAメチル化を効率的また、低コストで分析する非常に有効的な方法です。 制限MspI酵素(CCGG標的部位)およびサイズ選択を用いてゲノム...
24 rxns
C02030033 Premium Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) Kit
Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS)は単一ヌクレオチドレベルで、全ゲノムバイサルファイトシーケンシングに関連するDNAメチル化を効率的また、低コストで分析する非常に有効的な方法です。 制限MspI酵素(CCGG標的部位)およびサイズ選択を用いてゲノム...
96 rxns
C01010132 True MicroChIP kit
True MicroChIP kitとMicroPlex Library Preparation™kitを組み合わせることにより、わずか10,000細胞でChIP-seqアッセイが実行できます。このmicroChIP-seqアッセイは、新世代のIP-Star® Compact Automate...
20 rxns $680.00
C01010152 Universal Plant ChIP-seq kit
Universal Plant ChIP-seqは、シロイヌナズナ、トウモロコシ、イネ、トマト、ポプラなどから、植物クロマチンを抽出できる非常に便利なキットです。 このキットは植物染色体抽出用に特別開発されており、染色質調製、免疫沈降、植物特異的コントロールプライマーペア、コントロール抗体、DNA精製のための試薬...
24 rxns $575.00
G0209006 Infinium MethylationEPIC Array v2.0 Service
The Infinium MethylationEPIC v2.0 Array Services (improved version of the EPIC v1.0) is the new cutting-edge genome-wide DNA methylation analysis t...
C28030001-10 CaptEV cell culture
CaptEV is a pre-enrichement reagent that concentrates all extracellular vesicules of cell culture supernatant to ensure optimal isolation and purif...
10 ml $265.00
C28030002-10 CaptEV serum/plasma
CaptEV is a pre-enrichement reagent that concentrates all extracellular vesicules of serum or plasma blood samples to ensure optimal isolation and ...
10 ml $265.00
G02010107 クロマチンデータ解析
クロマチン免疫沈降(ChIp-Seq)とそれに続くATAC-Seqは、エピジェネティックな規制研究に使用される2つの一般的な技術です。 ChIP-Seqは、ヒストンを含む特定のタンパク質が結合する遺伝子制御領域にかかわるオープンクロマチン領域の解析を可能にし、ATAC-Seqは、遺伝子制御領域に関するオープンクロ...
C01020010 Chromatin EasyShear Kit – Ultra Low SDS
Old name of the kit: Chromatin shearing optimization kit – Ultra Low SDS A high quality chromatin preparation is very complex and requires a lot of op...
10 chrom. prep./60 rxns $345.00
G02500000 Integrative Analysis
進行中または神経変性のガンや慢性疾患などの病理学的過程などで観察される表現型の変化をよりよく理解するために、複数のエピゲノム技術を組み合わせる必要性が数多くの研究で証明されています。 癌細胞で観察される表現型の変化は、DNAメチル化とクロマチン修飾パターンの両方の変化と強く関連していて、遺伝子発現は、DNA...
C02010041 MagMeDIP kit
Perform MeDIP-seq experiments, i.e. methylated DNA immunoprecipitation followed by next generation sequencing, to obtain region-resolutio...
10 rxns
B06010003 Megaruptor® 3
5kbから100kbまでのシンプルで再現性が高く自動されたDNAの断片化を提供するように設計されていて、ロングリードde novoシーケンシング、構造変異体の検出、および一分子シーケンシングに不可欠です。 Megaruptorのユニークなデザインは、DNAサンプルの供給源、濃度、温度、塩分とは無関係の最先端のせん...
1 unit
G02020107 メチル化データ解析
ゲノムメチル化研究に利用できる数ある選択肢から、ゲノムカバレッジの幅に基づき、実施可能なプロジェクトは以下の通りです。 Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing/全ゲノムバイサルファイトシーケンシング(WGBS)全ゲノムをカバーします。 Reduced Representat...
C02030036 Premium RRBS kit V2
(Coming soon) Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) offers a cost-effective, targeted solution to perform genome-scale DNA methylation analysis...
24 rxns $1,590.00
C02030037 Premium RRBS kit V2 x96
RRBS for low DNA amounts and accurate analysis

Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) offers a cost-effective, focused solution to perform genome-scale DNA methylation analysis at the s...
96 rxns $3,745.00
G02030005 RNA Data Analysis
Total RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) detects both coding and noncoding RNAs and is typically used to measure gene and transcript abundance as well as to identify n...
G02020000 RRBS受託サービス (Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing)
メチル化アレイとWGBS技術の長所を有するReduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) 技術は、あらゆる脊椎動物種で柔軟に使用できるため、大規模コホートの研究においても正確で費用対効果の高いアッセイを行えます。制限MspI酵素(CCGGターゲットサイ...
C01011011 µChIPmentation for Histones
Diagenodeの µChIPmentation Kit for Histonesは、わずか10.000個の細胞で細胞固定から精製ライブラリーに渡るChIP-seqが可能です。チューブからチューブへのサンプル転送数を制限し、DNAの損失を減少します。ワークフロー全体(細胞固定からライブラリー精製まで...
24 rxns $2,400.00
B01080010 Picoruptor 2 sonication device
環境研究、毒物学、ゲノミクスおよびエピゲノミクス、癌研究、幹細胞開発、神経科学、臨床応用、農業、その他多数を含むさまざまな研究分野でのサンプル調製において、最高のプロセスを目指して設計開発されたPicoruptorと共にDiagenodeは、2004年以来断片化に関する専門知識と経験を積み重ねてきました。 ...
1 unit
B01020001 Bioruptor® Plus sonication device
The Bioruptor® uses a unique system to uniformely process multiple samples in sealed tubes of 0.5 ml to 50 ml capacity. The built-in cooling system (wate...
1 unit
B01070001 Diagenode One sonication device
The Diagenode One is the desktop solution that provides optimal DNA shearing for Next-Generation-Sequencing and Chromatin shearing for ChIP ana...
1 unit
C05010003 24 Dual indexes for MicroPlex Kit v3 /48 rxns
Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq library prep from ChIP-derived DNA. The kit MicroPlex v3...
48 rxns $420.00
C05010004 96 Dual indexes for MicroPlex Kit v3 – Set I /96 rxns
Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq library prep from ChIP-derived DNA. The kit MicroPlex v3...
96 rxns $1,280.00
C05010005 96 Dual indexes for MicroPlex Kit v3 – Set II /96 rxns
Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq library prep from ChIP-derived DNA. The kit MicroPlex v3...
96 rxns $1,280.00
C05010006 96 Dual indexes for MicroPlex Kit v3 – Set III (96 rxns)
Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq library prep from ChIP-derived DNA. The kit MicroPlex v3...
96 rxns $1,280.00
C05010007 96 Dual indexes for MicroPlex Kit v3 – Set IV /96 rxns
Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq library prep from ChIP-derived DNA. The kit MicroPlex v3...
96 rxns $1,280.00
C01010140 Auto True MicroChIP kit
The Auto True MicroChIP kit in combination with the MicroPlex Library Preparation™ kit allows for performing ChIP-seq on as few as 10,000 cells. This m...
16 rxns $590.00
C01020014 Chromatin EasyShear Kit for Plant
The first critical step of a successful ChIP experiment is the best preparation of sheared chromatin. This Chromatin EasyShear Kit for Plant is designed...
12 rxns $345.00
C02010021 MagMeDIP qPCR kit
Sensitive tumour detection and classification using plasma cell-free DNA methylomesRead the publication Preparation of cfMeDIP-seq libraries for methylo...
48 rxns (IP) $750.00
C02020010 MethylCap kit
48 rxns $695.00
C05010001 MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit v3
Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq samples and are optimized to generate DNA libraries with...
48 rxns $1,555.00
C02030030 Premium Bisulfite kit
Diagenode's Premium Bisulfite Kit rapidly converts DNA through bisulfite treatment. Our conversion reagent is added directly to DNA, requires no intermediate...
50 rxns $240.00
C15410209 3-methylcytosine (3-mC) polyclonal antibody
Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against 3-methylcytosine (3-mC) conjugated to BSA.
50 μg/28 μl $260.00
C15410080 AML-ETO polyclonal antibody
Alternative names: AML1T1, CBFA2T1, CDR, ETO, MTG8, ZMYND2 Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against the AML-ETO (RUNX1) fusion protein, using 3 differen...
50 µg/250 µl $260.00
C15200082-50 N6-methyladenosine (m6A) monoclonal antibody
Monoclonal antibody raised in mouse against N6-methyladenosine (m6A) conjugated to BSA.
50 μg/ 25 μl $380.00
C15310259-100 S. aureus CRISPR/Cas9 polyclonal antibody (C-terminal)
Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against the C-terminus of the S. aureus Cas9 nuclease (CRISPR-associated protein 9) using a recombinant protein.
100 μl $580.00
C15310259-20 S. aureus CRISPR/Cas9 polyclonal antibody (C-terminal) (sample size)
Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against the C-terminus of the S. aureus Cas9 nuclease (CRISPR-associated protein 9) using a recombinant protein.
20 μl $130.00
C15310260-100 S. aureus CRISPR/Cas9 polyclonal antibody (N-terminal)
Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against the N-terminus of the S. aureus Cas9 nuclease (CRISPR-associated protein 9) using a recombinant protein.
100 μl $580.00
C15310260-20 S. aureus CRISPR/Cas9 polyclonal antibody (N-terminal) (sample size)
Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against the N-terminus of the S. aureus Cas9 nuclease (CRISPR-associated protein 9) using a recombinant protein.
20 µl $130.00
C15200082-10 N6-methyladenosine (m6A) monoclonal antibody (sample size)
Monoclonal antibody raised in mouse against N6-methyladenosine (m6A) conjugated to BSA.
10 μg $115.00
C15200003 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) monoclonal antibody for ICC/IF
Monoclonal antibody raised in mouse against 5-mC (5-methylcytosine) conjugated to BSA. 
50 μg/39 μl $380.00
C15410204-20 5-caC polyclonal antibody
Diagenode, the leader in the field of epigenetics, provides full solutions for your chromatin immunoprecipitation and DNA methylation research. Our products ...
20 µg $120.00
C15410204-100 5-Carboxylcytosine (5-caC) polyclonal antibody
Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against 5-Carboxylcytosine (5ca-CMP monophosphate) conjugated to BSA.  
100 µg $380.00
C15200200-20 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) monoclonal antibody (mouse)
One of the only two monoclonal antibodies raised against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC). 5-hmC is a recently discovered DNA modification which res...
20 µg/20 µl $120.00
C15200200-50 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) monoclonal antibody (mouse)
One of the only two monoclonal antibodies raised against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC). 5-hmC is a recently discovered DNA modification which res...
50 µg/50 µl $380.00
C15200200-100 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) monoclonal antibody (mouse)
One of the only two monoclonal antibodies raised against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC). 5-hmC is a recently discovered DNA modification which res...
100 µg/100 µl $500.00
C15310210-100 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) polyclonal antibody (rabbit)
Polyclonal antibody raised against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC). 5-hmC is a recently discovered DNA modification which results from the enzymatic conversi...
100 µl $380.00
C15410205-20 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) polyclonal antibody (rabbit)
Polyclonal antibody raised against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC). 5-hmC is a recently discovered DNA modification which results from the enzymatic conversi...
20 µg $175.00
C15410205-50 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) polyclonal antibody (rabbit)
Polyclonal antibody raised in rabbit against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine conjugated to KLH.
50 μg $380.00
C15310210-20 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) polyclonal antibody (rabbit)
Polyclonal antibody raised against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC). 5-hmC is a recently discovered DNA modification which results from the enzymatic conversi...
20 µl $125.00
C15220001-50 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) monoclonal antibody (rat)
5-hmC is a DNA modification which results from the enzymatic conversion of 5-methylcytosine into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine by the TET family of oxygenases. Pre...
50 µg $380.00
C15220001-100 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) monoclonal antibody (rat)
5-hmC is a DNA modification which results from the enzymatic conversion of 5-methylcytosine into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine by the TET family of oxygenases. Pre...
100 µg $500.00


  • APHL 2024
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
    May 6-May 9, 2024
  • London Calling 2024
    London, UK
    May 21-May 24, 2024
  • Symposium of the Young Scientist Association
    Vienna, Austria
    May 28-May 29, 2024



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